De kracht van open vragen
The open ended questions Open vragen behoren tot de krachtigste instrumenten in de verkoop. U kunt er informatie mee verzamelen, scannen waar verkoopkansen liggen , en vertrouwen en geloofwaardigheid mee creëren. Open-ended questions are one of the most vital tools for those who sell (if followed up by listening). They help gather information, qualify sales opportunities, and establish rapport, trust and credibility. With such core value to the sales process, the professional leaves little to chance when it comes to owning a repertoire of powerful open-ended questions... questions that are answered by more than a simple yes or no... questions where the prospect or customer gets directly involved in the sales discussion. The key here... Ask the question and let the prospect or customer give you their answer. No leading. No prompting. No interrupting. Just in case you've not had the opportunity to put yours down in writing, here are some of our favorites in the general class (you'll likely have several additional questions specific to your industry, but these'll get you more than started). Write down the one's you find valuable. Commit them to memory with your team. Practice them on your drive in or on the way to your next appointment. Print them out. Tack them up near your phone. Pass them on to your sales team. It's all about sales®.